Monday, June 25, 2007

Pug snuggling!

Here is a picture of me and my snugly pug Macy. Sakai was a little lower in the picture. They spend nearly all day in bed with me...along with Katie and Rob! Thank goodness we have a king sized bed!
Rob and I had a follow up appointment with our OB doctor on Friday. Nothing new to report. She plans on doing another FFN this coming up Friday. If it comes back positive we will be re-admitted to the hospital for continuous monitoring to make sure things are as quiet as we need them to be. My monitoring sessions are improving with an average of two contractions an hour. Much better compared to the five I was having when we first got home.
Rob and I have had so many people helping out. Starting with my sister Katie. I'm contemplating calling US Air and canceling her flight home!! I don't want her to leave. She has been an amazing help. Fetching drinks, breakfast, lunch, going grocery shopping, doing insane amounts of laundry and simply keeping me company! I don't know what I'd do with out her.
A variety of other people have been helping feed us as well. Aunt Cathi brought a yummy lunch, Dad~Kelly~Ben~Colin~Patrick brought a series of yummy dinners and Carole and Tom Minor brought an amazing Mexican dinner.
Everyone has been so helpful and caring. Thank you all!!

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