Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm a terrible blogger...

Mom and Jon had us up to Munds Park twice in October. We all had a great time. We went for walks, went night elk seeking, drove into town (Flagstaff), played mexican train, lounged around in our PJ's all day, had a bar-b-que and lots of other things! We even got to go see the Foster's cabin when Mike, Suzanne and the Schneiders were up for a visit. Here are a few pictures from our trip. Lots more can been seen on our picasa web albums!
Luke and Mommy trying to win at mexican train.
Luke and Mommy napping.

A family picture.
Papa Jon sending Luke into a milk coma.


Anonymous said...

no, not a terrible blogger...now a PHOTO blogger!

Anonymous said...

Oh lets go again!!!!!!!