Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

On your marks...get set...go!
Found one!

Cutest Easter boy there ever was!
This Easter was a little different than last year. First off Luke you knew just what to do with all those pretty eggs! You collected quite a few in your little basket. I think last year you just looked cute :) This year Mommy was at work...except as a patient! After nursing Luke back to health from the stomach flu all week it caught up with me Easter weekend. I was only in the hospital for one day and was happy to be discharged after several bags of fluid for hydration. Daddy promptly came down with the bug on Monday. Fingers crossed we are finished passing it around!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely the cutest little boy I've seen in a LONG time...maybe since I saw your big brother wandering around the yard at the house on 3rd street looking for Easter eggs...cute runs in the family!

Nicole said...

Luke is the cutest boy ever and can I just say CONGRATS so super late on the new baby...that's what I get for not checking blogs super often since we've moved...what a loser I am. Anyway, I hope you are feeling bettter now and can't wait to hear more about this little one! Love you girl!