Monday, January 4, 2010

All things trains

Well almost all things trains. I just love watching you waiting for Daddy to get home from work. You can hardly contain yourself when he pulls up the driveway. You can't even wait until he makes it inside. You insist on meeting him in the driveway and greet him with the biggest of hugs!

You are head over heals in love with Thomas the train! If ever there is a moment of quiet in the house I know I can find you moving trains along the newest track you've built. You always lay on your tummy with your head on your arm as the other pushes Thomas along the tracks.

Today you parked all the trains in our shed.

Not a day goes by where you don't request to watch a show about Thomas and the Island of Sodor. It's so cute how you've learned all the trains names and even where they live! You've even started to tell people they are cheecky!

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