Thursday, October 22, 2009

Another pumpkin patch!

Enjoying your first snow cone at Schnepf Farms.

Today we went to another farm. This time we were joined by Grammie, Grammie Minor, Patrick and his friend. We got to see lots of pumpkins and even took a train ride through an orchard. Jack wasn't a fan of the train ride because the train made a lot of noise! You loved it and sat up front with Grammie Minor. You had fun collecting orange tennis balls at the "pumpkin toss" game, you rode on a couple rides even! A little dare devil in the making for sure. Thank goodness Daddy likes rides so you will have a partner in crime when you get older and want to go to an amusement park. Jack although we didn't get any pictures of you today you were a good sport. Bumping along in the stroller and having a little lunch in the shade under a tree tucked away. At the end of the day we had a yummy lunch of pulled pork and chips. Lukers you and I shared a plate and I had to eat fast to keep up and get my share! You loved it and gobbled down a great lunch. Jack you were wonderful and I blame pampers for you having a forceful blowout in my lap! It was a nice drive home, a long one but you were both pooped and slept the whole way!

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