Saturday, October 31, 2009

What a spooky bunch!

Luke you weren't quite sure what all the fuss was about surrounding this Halloween thing everyone was talking about. However you got in the spirit quickly! We had a busy day starting off with a party at the Dinoffria house. It was a little warm so we decided to not put you in your skeleton outfit until later in the evening. Good thing Grammie and Pops sent you a t-shirt to wear so you were still in the Halloween mood! There were games and pumpkin painting and lots of goodies to eat. By the time we left you were pooped!
You and Daddy got very creative!
After naps we headed over to Will and Cate's house for a little more spooky fun! We had dinner and went trick or treating. Your first time ever! You had a great time getting ready and taking pictures with your baby brother Jack.

Getting into character!

You had such fun going from house to house trick or treating. You loved to ring the doorbells and were so polite asking for candy. More treats please! You even helped quite a few people with closing their doors. Not to mention opening them and walking right in a few!

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