Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November Happenings

My sweet little Jack and those baby piggies!

When Daddy gets home from work you are so excited to see him. Sometimes we wait and watch by the window for his car to pull in and sometimes we meet him in the driveway. None the less you always run and jump in for a hug! Thank goodness Daddy has two big strong arms because before we know it two boys will come running in for hugs!

Such a handsome little boy you are.

Things are starting to calm down around here. We have all settled better into a routine and things are running rather smoothly. Luke you are accepting that Jack is hear to stay and have become a great helper running for diapers and burp cloths. Boy do we need burp cloths often! Jack you are like a little fountain of spit up. I sure hope you outgrow it soon!

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