Get used to the likes of this picture people. Rob is scheduled for knee surgery 4/16/07 then again in four months. The first operation will include removing cartilage to be cleaned and grown in a lab for later use as well as breaking his tibia! As some of you may or may not have noticed Rob is a tad bit bow legged. While this isn't anything medically concerning on it's own with a knee injury it is. So the plan is to break the bone and straighten his leg out so that when they add the freshly grown, new and improved cartilage things will stick and regenerate as planned.
Operation number two consists of the eight inch incision and insertion of the new and improved cartilage! Rob will then be on crutches for 8 weeks!! If you are busy doing the math I'll help you out. Yes, he will still be on crutches when the baby comes. A downer for sure but if it means he will be able to chase Baby S around in the future it's worth it.
So feel free to bring us dinner and cookies as you see fit :)