Sunday, February 28, 2010

Army man crawl

Your sixth month is proving to be very productive! Eating and near crawling!

Look out everyone Jack is on the move!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Growing up

With Jack moving on to solid foods it was time to move Luke to the big kids table and out of the high chair. We found this great booster seat and put it to the test at dinner tonight!

It was a huge success! You loved eating at the table like a big boy. Now if only it had straps to keep you in. You like to wander around a little too much but we will work on that.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Six months

You passed your six month check up with flying colors!

19 pounds 12 ounces

28 inches tall

17 1/4 head circumference

The doctor said not to worry that you don't want solid foods yet. He said you will soon.

He was right! The very next day you gobbled up carrots and haven't stopped since. Thankfully the spitting up has slowed down as well. Phew!

Now that you've hit six months you're pulling out all your tricks! Eating was just the beginning. Now you are looking like crawling is next on the list. You've perfected the army crawl and it didn't take long from there to get on your hands and knees and start rocking! It won't be long before you are officially on the move! The way you put everything in your mouth I wouldn't be surprised if you have some teeth ready to cut through too!

Feeding the Ducks

Luke and Daddy waiting for the ducks to get closer.

Nana had a great idea today suggesting that we should go feed the ducks! Luke you were so excited and couldn't wait to get there.

When the sun went down it got a little chilly so we bundled you up little Jack. Since you aren't quite running around yet to warm up we got you all snuggled up for a ride in the stroller through the park.

Mommy was so nervous the whole time we walked around the lake. I thought for sure you'd fall right in! Luke you go so close to the edge I thought we might have to jump in after you. Looking at that water this was not something I wanted to do!