Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Breaking bones and 8 inch incisions

Get used to the likes of this picture people. Rob is scheduled for knee surgery 4/16/07 then again in four months. The first operation will include removing cartilage to be cleaned and grown in a lab for later use as well as breaking his tibia! As some of you may or may not have noticed Rob is a tad bit bow legged. While this isn't anything medically concerning on it's own with a knee injury it is. So the plan is to break the bone and straighten his leg out so that when they add the freshly grown, new and improved cartilage things will stick and regenerate as planned.
Operation number two consists of the eight inch incision and insertion of the new and improved cartilage! Rob will then be on crutches for 8 weeks!! If you are busy doing the math I'll help you out. Yes, he will still be on crutches when the baby comes. A downer for sure but if it means he will be able to chase Baby S around in the future it's worth it.
So feel free to bring us dinner and cookies as you see fit :)

It's summer haircut time!

Our fluffy Sakai needed his summer haircut!

This is mid-cut. He was such a good boy! I was fearful to take him to PetCo thinking he may try and take a mouthful out of the hairdresser. But he didn't put up a fight at all!

Here lies what used to be a fluffy Pekerman!

Tada! A new summer do. It will look better in a couple weeks trust me. From one project comes another...see that little green treat? Well it has most recently been thrown up on our new rug!! Since we don't have a hose it's soaking in the sink. I hope it comes out!

More projects!

This has to be one of my top priorities! Rob and Eric made a noble attempt at installing the door this past weekend only to run into copper pipes! All other locations have visual reasons as to why the door won't work. You know little things like electrical outlets and water faucets. Anyone with x-ray vision is welcome to come over and offer much needed assistance.

Operation refinish the baby crib is in full effect. Rob has two of the four panels almost completely sanded down. We still have the primer and paint portion of this project to call it complete. With the weather turning hot early I sure hope my expanding waistline puts a rush on this project! A little side note this is the crib that Matt, Anne and Katie were brought home to! I'm so happy Mom kept it!

This is what will be the babies room. As soon as the sex of little Baby S is determined this room will be primed and painted. I'm still working on the whole room arrangement. I'd like to keep the bed in there as the Daddy to be snores like a black bear riding a freight train!

So many projects so little time!

We have a tad bit of landscaping to do! We started by pulling up some unwanted bushes and trimming away dead/frozen sections of things we want to keep. Notice the brown bush in the background. Thanks to Becky for letting us borrow all of the gardening tools! We also bought a lemon tree to plant when things get a little more organized.

We have this annoying/great window we need to find some type of shade/blind for. The sun that comes in during the day is going to melt a pug not to mention it hinders one of our favorite things...watching TV.

This is a section of the laundry room that clearly needs to either be white or latte. The previous owner stopped mid project. I don't know why she couldn't just finish what she started. Sheesh....oh wait seems to be our problem too!

This is the main wall in the master bedroom. I hated it when we moved in, learned to deal with it and am hating it once again. I'm pretty sure the fluctuating range of emotions is pretty normal for pregnant women. If not keep your trap shut!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I fell in love for the second time....

Rob and I had our second baby appointment today. We got several new ultrasound pictures and we got to hear the heartbeat! We are working on getting the recording online for all to hear. The baby measured 4.5 cm. The doctor said everything looked great! Our next appointment isn't for another four weeks.

Hi everyone!

This one the baby is waving hi!

This one shows the profile.

This one shows the little tummy, two legs and an arm.

Another profile.

This one the baby is facing us and you can see both legs and both arms.