Thursday, January 31, 2008

Breakfast in a big boy highchair!

This morning was your first breakfast in your highchair and you did great. You were a little bit distracted by all the new things to look at but you sat up so well and ate like a champ. I can't believe you are already in a highchair! It seems like just yesterday you were sleeping next to my bed in a bassinet. You are growing up so fast and developing such a great sense of humor. You lean over from your chair and giggle at the dogs and then come right back with a big open mouth ready for squash.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Time to say goodbye

It seems like just yesterday everybody was getting into town and now everyone is leaving. We had such fun with everyone. It's strange to think the next time we see Adie she will be running around. Probably with you chasing her! There may even be more little ones in the picture by then! Luke I am still in shock at how much you've grown in such a little amount of time. Every day you do something new. We are trying new foods and your little mouth and tongue just seem to love exploring them. Once we make it through all these vegetables we move on to fruit. I'm sure you will gobble them down just as fast if not faster!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Teething and fire watching

Today was such a busy day. From the moment we woke up we were on the go. We started out at Nana and Papa E's house where we played and had fun with everyone that came into town. Then we headed over to the Jackson's for dinner. Today was your Aunt Ambrey's birthday so we celebrated with cake and ice cream. I can't wait for your first birthday to watch you try cake for the first time. I can only imagine the fun you will have making a mess with the frosting! Most of your evening was spent chewing on whomever fingers were holding you. You liked nothing more than chomping on a finger and watching the flames of the fire flicker. You were such a great boy today! I love watching you grow and experience new things. You always bring a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart.

Dr. Suess

It's hard to believe you have a six year old uncle but you do! Your Uncle Patrick couldn't be cuter with you Luke. He is always so interested in what you are doing whether it be playing on the floor, eating or even sleeping. Tonight wasn't any different! Patrick wanted to hold you in his lap and read you a story. Mommy wasn't too sure if that was possible seeing as you take up his whole lap! Grammie Kelly decided that is was a better idea if she held you and Patrick read the story. This made everyone happy. Grammie got to snuggle you, Patrick got to read to you and Mommy and Daddy got to watch the whole thing and smile at how cute it was!

What to do with the swirl!

When you were first born we called it the Superman curl then it became the cinnabon swirl. Who knows what kind of shape this will take as you lose your baby hair and new hair comes in. I wonder if it will be beautiful and dark like your baby hair or light and blond like Mommy and Daddy had. Just another exciting thing to think about as you get so big!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Meeting for the first time

This week was full of exciting things. You got to meet your Uncle Matt, Aunt Michelle and Cousin Adie for the first time in person. They came all the way over from London to celebrate a late Christmas with the family. This is one of your first few pictures taken with Adie. You were so curious to meet her and she was of you too! She kept putting her finger in your ear and poking you in your cute chubby cheeks. We had such a wonderful time with all the family in town. Aunt Katie and Uncle Bernie made a special trip out from Seattle and Cathy Houser came all the way from Massachusetts! This was your first time to meet Bernie and he jumped right in and fed you a bottle like a pro! It was also the first time you got to meet Cathy Houser. I remember vividly talking to Cathy as we were loading everything up in the car getting ready to head to the hospital for your birth. We were both so exicted we cried!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

It all started with a little blue spoon...

And ended with rice cereal EVERYWHERE!

A little cereal up the nose never hurt anyone right?

But what about a spoon in the eye?

Luke you are an amazing eater! Right from the start you nursed like a champ. Even mommies nurse in the recovery room was shocked at how well you latched right on and ate away. This week we started you on rice cereal. We tried cereal a few times before when you seemed like you could eat for days but this time was for real. You are now offered cereal at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some times you gobble it all up and demand more and others it ends up everywhere but in your mouth. But I figure its good practice for when the real food comes :)

Weekends with Daddy

Since Mommy has to work Friday/Saturday/Sunday you are one lucky little boy to get to spend your weekends with Daddy. From what I hear you boys are quite busy! A frequent favorite is going out to lunch on Sundays. The crowd varies but often includes Mike, Suzanne, Will, Cate, Beth, Chris, Wes, Jen, Sean and Patrick to name a few! And from what I hear Chino is where you head. Some other weekend activities include spending Saturday with Nana and Papa Eschinger. I know Nana truly loves this time with you. I always get a full report of how wonderful you've been and all the new tricks you are up to. Nana usually has plenty of pictures to show at the end of the day.
Let's see Daddy also likes to take you over to Uncle Mikes house to play Rock Band. This is a favorite of yours. Daddy gets you all packed into your Bjorn and you rock out while Daddy plays the bass guitar. I hear you are a fan of all the colors and the music too!
I know you have a great time with Daddy but Mommy sure misses you when she is away. I have your picture on my badge and look at it several times a day and smile knowing you are so well taken care of and that I will be home soon to tuck you into bed.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Luke loves monkeys

A few weeks back we took a trip to IKEA and took your little yellow bear with us. Sadly we didn't end up leaving with the bear. I was so sad I walked through the whole store looking for it while you screamed in the car waiting with Daddy. I even left our name and number with lost and found. I called your Aunt Katie that night to tell her what happened and on her January visit she brought you a new snuggle toy. A very cute monkey! You fell in love with it right away. Sometimes we have to take it away from you (to wash it) because it is soaking wet with all the attention and kisses you give it! Yucky!

Getting so big!

Luke you never cease to amaze me! Here you are just four months old and already holding your own bottle. Before I know it you will be asking for chicken nuggets and chocolate milk!