Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Now that the weather is nice it was about time we got you some shoes to play outside in! It was so much fun looking at all the shoes. They didn't have the exact pair Mommy wanted but the ones we got sure are cute!

You caught on very quickly to walking in your new shoes.
So quickly that it was hard to get your picture!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Too many health updates

Whew what a week and a half it's been! We don't have many new pictures because it just doesn't seem very nice to take pictures of someone who feels as terrible as you do! We took our first trip to the Pediatric ER last week 10/8/08. You were having a hard time breathing despite a couple of breathing treatments. Rather than wait until the middle of the night we took you in to have you checked out. You had an x-ray, a throat swab and a nose swab. All of which were not your favorite things. You also got more tylenol and motrin and another breathing treatment! They sent us home after a few hours telling us you had a virus. We weren't much wiser to your condition when we left than when we came. But we were much more comfortable taking you home when they said you'd be ok. The next morning we took you to the doctor for an ER follow up. Now we got some real information. You had croup, a sinus infection and reactive airway disease. RAD is a way of saying asthma before you diagnose it. We were sent home with antibiotics, steroids and orders for 2-4 hourly breathing treatments. They also drew your blood and did another breathing treatment in the office. Once we got the antibiotics and steroids in you things took a turn for the better. As things go today you still have a bit of a runny nose and a little rumble in your chest but nothing compared to the wheezing you had last week which could be heard from the other room! Now our main issue is your lack of sleep! You are up past mommy and daddy! You've become quite a night owl. I'm not sure if it's because you are feeling better and don't need as much or if the steroids are keeping you up! Either way I miss my baby that went to bed early and slept in late! But am very happy to have my baby back that can breath!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yay for cups!

Recently you've really taken to drinking out of a cup. A sweet friend of mine found this cup for you! Thank you Dana for thinking of Luke he loves his new cup! You like to take a few big sips and then you dip your fingers in it. You usually end up pretty wet down the front but that's ok!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another health update!

Oh come on Mom more pictures?
Lukers and Macy are on the mend....well that was until the coughing and sneezing started! Luke you finally got rid of your mystery fever and rash and have now started coughing and sneezing up a storm! Ever since you were very little you would cough first and then sneeze. It was like you were helping it out a little. You still do it to this day. It's very cute...but do you think you'll be 15 and still doing a little cough before every sneeze?
Macy went back to the vet yesterday and got a clean bill of health. His little pug bottom is looking a million times better. We still have to clean it twice a day and finish the antibiotics but we got only good news this time!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My little hot potato

This is just a cute picture of you reading some mail. September is proving to be a rough month for the Schneider household. My sweet little Lukers is sick again and this time he is a toasty little guy. Your temperature reached a new high of 104.5, 40 minutes after you had Tylenol. I don't even want to know what it was before! Up until Monday evening nothing really seemed to be bothering you. That is until the massive amounts of drool started pouring out of you! Then I started to think maybe you had a bit of a sore throat. We went to the pediatrician to confirm and Mommy was right. Maybe I should go to medical school :) The doctor said you had a very red throat and that it was most likely a virus. You were tested for strep which you didn't very much like and that came back negative. So along with those results and the nice new rash you are getting Mommy and the Doctor agree on a virus. Fingers crossed you are at the tail end of it.

Speaking of the tail end of things our beloved pug Macy is under the weather as well. A trip to the vet Monday revealed an infection in or around his left anal gland. The doctors first gave very bad news of a tumor and 3-12 months to live but shortly (if you can call two straight hours of sobbing shortly) they changed their minds and it was now an abscess. Macy was placed on antibiotics and anti inflammatory medications. The abscess was drained as best it could be and we were sent home with instructions to clean it twice a day by flushing it out. All my nursing skills are being put to the test this week. I think I'd much rather have to deliver a baby at Target! So between giving Luke Tylenol and Motrin every four hours I am applying warm packs to a pugs bottom and flushing out, what I hope every minute, is just an abscess and not a cancerous tumor. Being a mother is proving to be harder and harder each minute.

On a lighter note Luke you are walking like a champ. Still choosing to crawl when you need to get somewhere quickly but each day you make it look easier and easier! We are still in the progress of getting the video up...things have been a little more like an Urgent Care than a home!