Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fruits and Veggies

From this

to this!
The whole top shelf is all Luke's food. Notice the second shelf on the left is being taken over as well. But there is always room for eggos and ice cream!
Mommy and Daddy were very busy today in the kitchen. While you took a nap we baked, steamed and pureed up some of your favorite things. Your eating has really taken off these days. You've gone from eating a 1/3 of a cup to a 1/2 of a cup of fruit and veggies! You are already a bottomless pit and you're only 7 months old. We better start saving our pennies for your teenage years. We love turning the kitchen into a baby food factory knowing you are getting the freshest fruits and veggies. You eat cereal and fruit in the morning, then fruit and veggies for lunch and dinner. Don't forget all the milk throughout the day too! No wonder you are growing so big!

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