Monday, February 16, 2009

11 weeks and 2 days

We are approaching the end of the first trimester and I can't wait to say good bye to it! I'm starting to feel better. Much more energy and less nausea. I've found that eating small meals is helping or else it's just time! Here are some action shots of our little muffin as Dr. P called her. No confirmation on the sex yet it's just everyone is calling the baby a girl. I still have trouble and always say boy! It's all I know what can I say! Our little one was very active so it's hard to see what we saw in the live ultrasound. You can see a little hand by the babies head. It was very cute to see that sweet little hand sweep by as if he/she was waving. We were unable to hear the heartbeat we think because of all the activity. Next visit I'll keep my hands off Robs Dr. Pepper! We go back in four weeks but see a specialist in two. There is talk of weekly progesterone shots to help ward off the pre-term labor. I'll keep you posted!

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