Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3D Baby

Today we had a visit to the specialist. We got some great pictures of our little one. The tech went into look only to get heart tones but we left with some great pictures! The baby looks like he/she is just lounging on a pillow. So many people have said it looks so snugly in there! Let's hope the baby thinks so and stays put until the end of August. :) We will start weekly progesterone shots at 16 weeks to help ward off the pre-term labor problems I had with Luke. Fingers crossed I'll get to enjoy all nine months of this pregnancy and use my bed only for sleeping!


Joy N. said...

Congrats Anne.
Hugs to you.

Justine said...

Congrats Anne and Rob! I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you guys that your bed will ONLY be used for sleeping =) Cant wait to hear what you are having and how everything is going!