Monday, October 26, 2009

Slight regression noted

Oh my Lukers. You don't quite know what to think of this new little guy that is taking over the playroom. With all this baby stuff around you just can't seem to help yourself! You are obsessed with the baby swing. If it's off you want it on, constantly. You love to push the buttons to make the speed alternate and switch the music from nature sounds to classical. If Jack isn't in it you want him in it and if he is you want to take him out!

Luke I absolutely love this picture of you. Your facial expression says "duh Dad I know don't poke the baby" which is just what you were doing! You are having a great time getting to know your brother and all the baby things that come with him.

Once a monkey always a monkey! Thank goodness you are at a weight where you don't go crashing down when you test out all the baby gear!

1 comment:

Connie said...

No regression was ever noted....ha ha.
My baby boyfriend was displaced for a bit, but seemed to grow right along with baby Jack.
So fun to watch the Schneider boys interact. Love them both!

Nana E