Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rolling about

Well look who can roll in both directions now! Mommy and Daddy were very impressed when you went from your back to your tummy first (rumor is that's the harder way to go!). But how equally exciting it was when Daddy went to comfort you into taking a nap and just like that you went from your tummy to your back! Every day it seems as if you learn a new trick. Every day I don't think it's possible to love you any more than I did the day before but it is! Another new trick you've been practicing is saying Dada over and over. Daddy even heard your say mama once or twice. Keep up the hard work buddy! We love all of these "firsts"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Luke is adorable. I think he looks just like his Daddy did at that age! His Nana Linda looks pretty good, too! Love to All.