Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sniff Sniff Cough Cough

I recently read in a baby magazine that it's not uncommon for babies to get 8-10 colds a year and something like 4 ear infections. I didn't imagine it possible but now that you have the runny nose and bad cough again I'm starting to think it's possible! Poor little guy. You went to bed last night at an amazing 6:30 and slept all the way until 8am. You seem kinda miserable sneezing and coughing all day long. You just went back down for a nap with a little fussing but you need it! Mommy and Daddy hope you feel better really soon and we REALLY hope we don't have to break out your breathing machine. The good news is that you aren't pulling on your ear anymore. I hope the fluid is all gone by your next check up and stays gone!

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