Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Super Boy and his dog

We bought you this play mat because your cousin Adie had a similar one that we thought was pretty cool . Mommy however didn't read the entire description and it ended up being much smaller than we would have liked. None the less you seem to enjoy playing on it. That is when you actually stay on it! Sakai is never to far from you when you are in your highchair (waiting for it to rain puffs) or even playing on the floor. Many times he sneaks off with your toys but Mommy and Daddy manage to get them back for you without too much of a fight from Sakai. He is so interested in what you are doing and who you are. It's fun to watch you notice him each morning and give him a giggle. A few times you've been lucky enough to give him a pet and a tug on the tail!

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