Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Time to buy a toothbrush!

*This is the best shot we have so far! And it took a while to get.
What a day we had!
Luke we had such a fun day listening to you giggle, watching you smile and seeing you give everyone hugs! You woke up so happy today. Mommy and Daddy can't help but consider ourselves blessed to wake up to you each and every day. We had our usual snuggle time in bed this morning and then you and Daddy headed off to Costco with Nana S. You came home and took a short nap in your crib and then another short nap in Mommy's arms. Then it was time for dinner! We sent Daddy off to the baseball game and dinner began. This was unlike any other dinner however. It's become a bit of a routine to check your gums for teeth these days. You've been drooling like mad and putting everything in your mouth since you were four months old. We just knew one day a tooth would appear. This time when I checked your gums there actually was a tooth! A perfect little sharp as a razor tooth peeking through your little pink gums. Your first tooth is your # 25 tooth, the bottom, middle right! Congrats!

1 comment:

Connie said...

Yeah for my boyfriend. Such a big boy..