Sunday, September 7, 2008

Monkey Party!

One tired birthday boy!
Egg free MONKEY cup cakes!
You want me to eat THAT? But it's on fire!!

Your first birthday was great fun! We celebrated at Nana and Papa Schneider's house. We couldn't fit that many people at our house! You are so popular. You had all three sets of grandparents there, three great grandparents, four uncles, one aunt, two cousins, and one great uncle! We ate great food and had cupcakes and ice cream then we watched you open all of your wonderful presents and the fun day was complete. You were a little grumpy but perked up a bit towards the end! I still can't believe a whole year has gone by. Each stage of your ongoing childhood seems better than the one before! I love sharing every moment of it with you and look forward to all the fun surprises the future has for us as a family!

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