Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Baby turned ONE!

Not a baby anymore! You're a cruising toddler!
1 year stats:
25.8 pounds 82%, 31 1/2 inches tall 90%, head 19 inches 92%

Your first bath as a toddler complete with a mohawk!

I can't even begin to tell you what a great year this has been. Watching you grow and learn new things has been truly amazing. I cherish every moment we share together and smile knowing we have so many more to come. You are a wonderful little boy for so many reasons. You let me sleep in most days and wake up with giggles not tears. You love eating and have since your first few hours of life. You have a great sense of humor and can make me laugh with the littlest of effort on your part. I love watching you sleep, feeling you breath and hearing you make the softest of snores. I love watching you figure new things out, ways to get around and playing peek a boo. You love swimming and hanging out with your Nanas. I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for all of us. More firsts, more giggles and more great Luker moments.
I love you Luke!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Luke!

That was the fastest year on record!