Tuesday, November 4, 2008

All things allergy!

What an amazing little boy you are becoming! Today you had an appointment with an Allergy and Asthma specialist. You were a dream. They poked your back to test you for allergies and you didn't move a muscle. While we were waiting for the results you went a little nutty but it was your nap time so I can't complain. You only turned off the doctors computer half a dozen times or so! Much to my relief you are not allergic to dogs or any of the other common allergens. You remain VERY allergic to eggs. We were given an epipen jr. just in case you have eggs. A little scary but somewhat a relief as well. You were also diagnosed with reactive airway disease (again). This is a way for the doctors to say you have asthma without really saying it yet. Tonight we start out on your twice daily breathing treatments of pulmicort and once daily dose of singular. We are going with the route of prevention rather than treatment. The breathing treatments contain some steroids which should help get you through a rough winter. Since you can't get the flu shot (it contains egg) the doctor suggested that every one in your "posse" get a flu shot. So to all of Luke's friends go get yours! The doctors warned that it would be a very bad thing for Luke to come down with the flu. We also received a prescription for a higher dose of albuterol, zyrtec and benadryl should we need it! This doctor is my hero if he keeps you well! Fingers crossed...winter is on the way!

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