Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Phoenix Zoo

Snack time in Monkey Village.
Feeding the ducks was a favorite!

Strolling through the petting zoo. The sheep were fluffy like Pekerman!

Daddy had the day off today so we planned a fun day to spend together at the zoo! After a little driving around we finally found it. It had been a while since Mommy and Daddy had been to the zoo. We stood in the long ling to get our membership and then we were off! It seemed like we weren't the only family that was out to enjoy the nice cool weather as the zoo was the place to be. There were lots of people and you enjoyed watching all the older kids run around and play. You loved to watch the ducks swim around and the red bottomed baboons even came right up to the window to say hello! Next time we head to the zoo we'll pack more snacks and drinks!

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