Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Taking a ride in your new waggon!
Catching some z's
Your Snoopy phone was a hit!

I think this may be your favorite gift yet! A little radio of your own! It even plays Rhianna!

We had a great Christmas this year. You spent Christmas Eve at Nana and Papa Schneider's house with Daddy. Mommy had to work this year. From what I hear you were a busy boy removing things from Nana's pretty tree! On Christmas day we went to Mike and Suzanne's for a wonderful breakfast. We were very late and everyone waited for us which was sweet. We knew we'd be in for a long day if we woke you up early! Around nap time we went home so you could rest up for the next party! You didn't nap much but on the way to Nana and Papa Eschingers house you caught some z's. We had a wonderful dinner and a great time opening presents. You were a great boy and went to bed so we could play Mexican train. We didn't leave until after midnight!

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