Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Where have the days gone?

I can't believe it's already the middle of December! We have so much left to do before Christmas! Not to say we haven't been busy! You are learning new things each and every day. I just said to Nana and Papa Schneider "I wonder when Luke will learn how to drink from a straw". And the very next day you did it! You are more stable on your feet and run all over the place. You still love to splash in the dogs water bowl and have endless amounts of fun playing with all the lotions and bottles under my sink! You're trying really hard to communicate with everyone. Your vocabulary is expanding rapidly. I even swear you've said things like "I'll get it" and "over there". You do say things like thank you, mama, dada, nana, papa, Tee Tee (Katie), baba (bottle), dawg and something that sounds like Macy. You even yell at Sakai just like Mommy and Daddy! Also you are big at pointing to what you want. Which is working much better than the crying we had before! I've been trying to teach you body parts but you aren't quiet interested yet. Although you will give me whatever is in your mouth when I ask you "Luke what's in your mouth". No matter what it is I usually get it back covered in drool. Speaking of drool you are back at it! You have at least three teeth coming in! The two on either side of your current bottom front teeth and a molar in the back right. I'm not sure what else is going on in there as I get bitten if I inspect! OUCH! You had your third haircut this week and it went better than the second one did! You were a wiggle worm but there wasn't any screaming. Phew. You are also very excited when it comes to meals (as are mommy and daddy) because you love to feed yourself now! You've mastered a fork (you love to stab things) and understand the spoon it's just nothing seems to stay on it long enough to make it to your mouth! One of your favorite places to go is Sweet Tomatoes. They have all your favorite foods all in one place. I can't even being to tell you how amazing you've become at your breathing treatments. You sit like such a big boy and take the whole thing with minimal squirming. And you love taking your pill at night. I'm half tempted to try one because they must be very tasty! Luke you still LOVE the telephone. In fact today the phone started to beep...which was a good help in letting me find it under your puzzle. However the battery was dead because you'd been "talking" for over four hours to a number in Errol, NH. I could do without seeing that phone bill! Next time you can just call Nana...she's local!

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