Friday, September 7, 2007

The First Doctors Visit

Luke had his first doctors appointment today and everything checked out great! Luke now weighs 7 pounds 4 ounces. He's eating like a champ and is nearly back up to his birth weight. He also had his length measured at 20 inches. A slight difference from his reported 18 inches at the hospital! I knew he was taller. He would have been such a butterball at 18 inches and 7lbs 6.5 ounces! Those darn NYICU nurses must have been sleepy :)
Rob and I also received a great compliment from the doctor. She said that she couldn't believe we were first time parents. She said you both are so calm and act like veterans. So nice to hear from someone who meets new parents all day long.
Everything else with the check up went great. The doctor rechecked a MBR for jaundice as Luke was still looking a little too yellow. The test came back fine. Luke is spending a little time in the sun while sleeping in his pack and play to help him break up the bilirubin faster.
We go back in two weeks for a follow up!

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