Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Home again!

I had such a picture of how taking Luke home from the hospital would go. True to form it went nothing like I planned. Lesson number on of having children: don't waste time planning things just go with the flow! I had spent a long day in Couplet Care being told I would be able to go home as soon as my ride arrived. This was far from the truth. Things kept coming up that needed to be done before Luke and I were allowed to go home. By the time the nurses were really ready to let us leave it was 3:30pm! My mom picked up Rob (who was unable to drive because of his knee) and came to get Luke and I. It took forever to simply cut off his sensor but then we were on our way.
Rob and Mom got little Luke all secure in his new car seat and we packed up the car. We weren't a half mile from the hospital when I noticed a weird light on the dashboard. Rob promptly pulled out the manual and we discovered that three of the four tires were low on air!! Not the safe ride home I had envisioned for my newborn baby. So in 110 heat we found a gas station and Rob crutches and all filled the tires up.
I forgot to mention Luke has been crying the entire time. Not cute baby noises but ear piercing cries. I was a mess. Not only was I frustrated from how long it took to leave the hospital (making it time for Luke to eat on the ride home) but I was in pain. It just so happens that a seat belt hits perfectly on a c-section incision. We finally made it home and at that point I was in no mood for trying to catch anything on film. I figured who would want to watch Luke screaming as we took him to his room for the first time anyway :)
After having a not so nice moment with Rob and my Mom I promptly fed Luke and went to bed! I never thought after spending over 12 weeks in bed I'd be so happy to see my bed. Luke has since learned to love rides in the car and Rob and I have learned to better gauge when a good time for a car ride would be (i.e. not when Luke is starving!). Although we got off to a rough start on our first day home things picked up and ran impressively well after that.

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