Sunday, September 2, 2007

9/2/07 Re-cap

I have so much to report! For starters we turned off the terb pump on Saturday at 2pm. Nothing really exciting happened right away. I have to say I was a little shocked at how long it took for things to kick in. I started having a few contractions here and there around 5pm but nothing painful and certainly nothing regular.

Around 9:30-10pm I decided I better get to bed. My plan was interrupted with contractions that were starting to feel a little more than just tightening. My mom and I started to time them around 10pm and they were already 3-5 minutes apart. We timed for a little over an hour and 3-5 became 3-4 and eventually every 3! We were headed to OBT around midnight by the time my mom came to pick us up and the dogs were let outside.

The ride over was uneventful the contractions kept coming but I was able to breath through them or cry. I wasn’t crying from the pain at this point but over the sheer emotion of the whole experience. I am fighting back tears now just putting it into writing. Rob, my mom and I made it to OBT after a long hike though the hospital. Some how we forgot to remember to bring my badge for quick after hour access.

What a relief to walk up to the OBT desk and see my doctor sitting there. It was almost as if she was waiting just for me. We were checked in quickly and I put myself on the monitor. I thought if there was anything I could do to speed things up I was going to do it! It was amazing to see all the contractions I was having. And that this time I was actually happy to see them! It meant that Luke was finally coming!!!

My excitement was followed by a little disappointment in hearing that I wasn’t next in line for the OR. There was one family in front of us and we would have to wait. I thought ok no big deal I can do this. It can’t take THAT long. Well once those contractions became two minutes apart and rather intense it started to feel like forever. I was just on the verge of begging for some terb when my nurse said it was time to go!

Relief swept over my body like you would not believe. Then I remembered I had to make it through the spinal and the nerves came back. I was fortunate enough to have the one CRNA I wanted working that night. He was so calming. It made the whole thing so bearable. The spinal wasn’t painful per say but just a really odd feeling. There really isn’t any way to explain it, or, the feeling of going numb. It was so strange to see them moving my legs but being totally unaware of the whole thing.

Rob and my Mom were brought in to the OR and both sat by my side through the whole thing. At this point I wasn’t sure if I was going to watch my own c-section. I think the whole two seconds I watched was enough! I did however watch the second they said “oh my gosh he has a lot of hair”. At this point I watched my son being born. Words cannot even come close to explaining how I felt the moment I became a mother.


Anonymous said...

It truly was a wonderful nite. I thank Rob and Anne for creating an incredible memory for me.

Luke Robert Schneider you were really worth the wait.



Anonymous said...

Happy motherhood Anne, and Happy fatherhood, Rob! What an amazing description of the experience! He is a beautiful boy. I look forward to seeing Luke and both of you in person.

lov, Uncle Peter

Anonymous said...

It is now 04-24-09

When I said Luke was worth the wait, I did not realize how incredible he would be.

That was the first of wonderful nites for me, and Luke being Luke has made every day since wonderful.

You make my heart smile Luke.

I love you dearly

love from your Nana